The experience of finding my neighbor in the need of CPR and an AED, but lacking both the knowledge and confidence to act is something that I wish no one to experience. This prompted me to start a Bystander Emergency Response Training initiative Utilizing a First Aid/CPR/AED instructor certification I received through the American Red Cross to teach classes on campus. This project seeks to provide life-saving skills while minimizing any added financial stress to members of our community, and improved accessibility to this training to ensure those living on the mountain are protected. With the hope of making this life-saving training as accessible to offer, multiple University partners have generously donated to this project, so that classes can be offered at over a 50% reduced cost.
Academic success does not only lie within the confines of a classroom. It is how we apply such knowledge to our life that makes it count, and the skills a First Aid class contains have a direct impact on our community. If the moment were to strike, any person could become a first responder, and it is my desire to ensure this community is educated and prepared to save a life. This project demonstrates the OG’s commitment to EQB so that we keep our neighbor protected.
